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SERVICES by D. Hill Home Inspections


We, D. Hill Home Inspections, understand purchasing a property is a huge investment. Everyone involved needs to know every aspect of the property.  I take great pride in providing this service.  The majority of this business is from client and real estate agent referrals and recommendations. I work directly for the client.  Part of my job is to insure that the client understands every item that is reported on the home inspection.  D. Hill Home Inspections  job does not end after the report is completed.  Should you have any questions down the road, you are encouraged to give me a call and I will do whatever it takes to ensure  you are completely comfortable with the inspection.

Maintain your rental property.

Your investment is being occupied by renters. Keeping up on how your properties are being utilized is a very wise decision. Twice a year, complete a safety inspection on all your rentals. Make sure all operating systems are up to code and being used correctly. D. Hill Home Inspections will be ther for you help you.


      Broker's Price Opinion


BPOs are carried out when a financial institution such as a bank, lender or a BPO company hires either a real estate agent or a broker to complete a BPO report on a property. HIring us to do the BPO photos can free up the broker's or agent's agenda for that day. We can take surrounding photos of the neighborhood, the surrounding grounds, and the dwelling itself.

Photos of the interior can be taken also, depending on the situation.


Infrared (thermal imaging) is an advanced, non-invasive technology that allows the inspector to show clients things about their homes or buildings that can’t be revealed using conventional inspection methods.  Ancillary inspection reports are just as important as the reports  generated for standard inspections.  For something as specialized as a thermal imaging inspection, it’s critical that the information presented meets the clients’ needs for information they can use and act on.

The art of an IR inspection is to interpret the results as accurately and reasonably as possible such that the client is given actionable information in order to proceed with necessary repairs.

Thermal scanning is not a 100% guarantee that defects will be found.

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